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Peaceful life of Stockbreeders

During the 4th and 3rd millenia before our time , Sahara knew times of great prosperity. Pastures were rich and herds many .

The artist took great care in representing them , reproducing with a skillful art the spotted coats, the delicat hooves , the lively moving tails and above all he gave a very acute attention to horns, long or short , large or slender, crescent or lyre-shaped .


oxen1 to the pond oxen2

The polychrome coats of the bovines show it is a long domesticated species. As a matter of fact, coat variations are not to be seen among wild cattle . On the picture right above we see a herd gathered near huts represented by stylized circles ; near the huts , women and children are seeing to their tasks ; in front of them , in a line, calves tied to a rope .

***** Scenes from village life*****

graminaceae Well Having a rest.......

The men at the well, 4000 years ago, were using the same leather bucket as the one still used by nomads in Sahara nowadays . The women seem to be gathering wild graminaceae ( in fact there is no evidence that agriculture might have exixted in Sahara then) . On the right picture, the Breeders with their oxen are represented very realisticly and their attitudes are most graceful .



©Odile Prigent-Paleologos 1998-2004